André Ricard
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jueves, 27 de marzo de 2008
André Ricard
miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008
Orquideorama. Jardín Botánico de Medellín. Colombia. Por Plan B - Felipe Mesa, Alejandro Bernal + JPRCR - Camilo Restrepo, J. Paul Restrepo
"...más que una forma acotada y cerrada, se ha definido un sistema modular de agrupación y crecimiento flexible: el proyecto construido agrupa 10 flores-árbol, pero se comporta como un sistema en espera, que puede crecer en cualquier momento o ser incluso replicado en otro lugar.
Al reemplazar la estructura de carácter industrial existente, inserta en medio del bosque nativo del jardín botánico, el nuevo Orquideorama a modo de jardín a escala mayor y por medio de sus pétalos cubierta, restituye la forma del follaje faltante. Más que una cubierta, se construye una superficie superior con las cualidades lumínicas y ambientales de los follajes..."
Me gusta mucho este proyecto flexible y abierto para ordenar un jardín dentro de otro en el "Orquideorama" del Jardín botánico de Medellín. Se limita la intervención a un único elemento estructural y formal; que, por repetición, modula y da forma al espacio al mismo tiempo. Conceptualmente, aunque lejos en su definición y cometido, me recuerda el maravilloso Pabellón español de la Exposición de Bruselas del 58, diseñado por Corrales y Molezún....

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008
El sexto sentido de Adrian Chen y el sexo asilvestrado.
Adrian Chen es un tipo muy divertido. Podeís encontarlo en World Of Today. org
El caso es que entre otras cosas tienen un don/maldición... bueno.. que os lo cuente él...
ABOUT ME: My Sixth Sense...jaja. No es muy divertido? El caso es que, dada mi congénita tendencia a visualizar las cosas, no he podido evitar imaginarmelo todo en una suerte de thriller porno-humorístico. ¿Por qué no se hacen películas con todo el rango de emociones y actividades humanas incluido el sexo? Me he acordado de películas como 9 songs, Shortbus o Intimacy. Pero en todas ellas el sexo y su papel en las relaciones interpersonales es el tema fundamental, así esta justificado su uso explícito. Me refería más bien a incorporarlo a un thriller o una comedia o un musical... como la vida misma. (En ciertos aspectos) estamos taaan civilizados... asilvestrémonos un poco, por favor!
“I see dead…oh. ew.”
According to scientists, there are five senses: Taste, touch, sight, women’s intuition and feel. As for me, I’m both blessed and cursed with a sixth sense: The sense of knowing if someone has masturbated in a room simply by stepping into it.
It comes on first as a faint, white specter hanging about the room. A presence. Then it sharpens slowly and rhythmically into a distinct feeling of needing to wash my hands. The feeling keeps intensifying, welling up inside of me. Up. Up. Up. Finally, it washes uncontrollably over me. I see women, children, politicians, pilgrims, prehistoric American Indians, the first humans. All masturbating. I can see their grimacing faces, the damp palms, the bunched tissue paper, the crinkled Penthouse or, in the case of the American Indians, the crude pornography scratched onto birch bark or deer hide. It is a threesome. Two men and a women–or is it the other way around? Who knows. The images are already gone. But in that short moment, I will have learned more about these ancient masturbators than even their wives or children or archaeologists could ever know.
But like I said, this gift is also a curse. For one thing, my sixth sense means that I have to avoid certain places: Public highschools and libraries, men’s locker rooms and the entire state of West Virginia. In these places, the overwhelming power of millions of masturbators past would just be too much to handle. Once, I had to leave a tour of the Whitehouse early because I was so disturbed by the image of Lincoln jacking off into a chamberpot while whistling “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”, a polished mahogany crutch supporting his massive log.
My sixth sense is a pain sometimes, sure. But if I had to be born all over again, I don’t think I would change a thing. See, I never had many friends growing up. I spent hours alone in my room playing with Legos, but I never felt lonely. I always had constant companionship in the sweat-stained faces of the thousands that had once stopped there–however briefly–to masturbate.
Adrian Chen. World Of Today. org
jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008
Yes.. We.. Can , por Will I Am
Song and video, featuring a star cast, by of The Black Eyed Peas. Inspired by Barack Obama's 'Yes We Can' speech.
Celebrities featured include: Scarlett Johansson, Tatyana Ali, John Legend, Herbie Hancock, Kate Walsh, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Adam Rodriquez, Kelly Hu, Adam Rodriquez, Amber Valetta, Nick Cannon...
Bill Richardson, hispano, gobernador de New Mexico y cinco veces nominado para el Premio Nobel de La Paz.
"A more Perfect Union"
He seguido la campaña de las primarias estadounidenses con curiosidad. Hasta ahora con cierta distancia. Pienso que el mundo no es un lugar cerrado, acabado; sino un espacio perfectible que podemos cambiar y acercar a la medida de nuestros propios sueños. Hay gente que es capaz de liderar esos cambios. En mi humilde opinión Barack Obama podría ser una de esas personas. Hace unos días pronunció este discurso sobre la Union y la Raza, podría circunscribirse a la Union de los estados de America del Norte. Pero creo que el mensaje puede servir de una forma más amplia, para reafirmar que existen diferencias entre seres humanos, culturas, etnias y paises. Diferencias en las que trabajar y que nos alejan de nuestros sueños. Negar los problemas y las imperfecciones es no poder trabajar en ellos, es ceder la capacidad de alcanzar los sueños de todos. Es un magnífico discurso, que ha conseguido emocionarme... umm... no sólo una buena película, una obra de arte, o una canción pueden hacerlo... las palabras también importan!
A continuación os dejo un artículo de opinión publicado por Roger Cohen en el New York Times a propósito de este discurso titulado "America´s Original Sin"
There are things you come to believe and things you carry in your blood. In my case, having spent part of my childhood in apartheid South Africa, I bear my measure of shame.
As a child, experience is wordless but no less powerful for that. How vast, how shimmering, was Muizenberg beach, near Cape Town, with all that glistening white skin spread across the golden sand!
The scrawny blacks were elsewhere, swimming off the rocks in a filthy harbor, and I watched from my grandfather’s house and I wondered.
Once, a black nanny took me out across the road to a parapet above a rail track beside that harbor. “You wouldn’t want me to drop you,” she said.
The fear I felt lingered. I returned recently to measure how far I would have fallen. In memory, the abyss plunged 100 feet. Reality revealed a drop of 10. That discrepancy measures a child’s panic.
A “For Sale” sign was up on what had been the family house. I inquired if I might visit and received a surly rebuff. But not before I glimpsed the mountain behind where my father hiked and where I feared the snakes among the thorn bushes.
Fear, shadowy as the sharks beyond the nets at Muizenberg, was never quite absent from our sunlit African sojourns. My own was formed of disorientation: I was not quite of the system because my parents had emigrated from Johannesburg to London. So, on return visits, I wandered into blacks-only public toilet or sat on a blacks-only bench.
Blacks only — and I was white. Apartheid entered my consciousness as a kind of self-humiliation. The black women who bathed me as an infant touched my skin, but their world was untouchable.
Only later did a cruel system come into focus. I see white men, gin and tonics on their breath, red meat on their plates, beneath the jacarandas of Johannesburg, sneering at the impossibility of desiring a black woman.
A racial divide, once lived, dwells in the deepest parts of the psyche. This is what was captured by Barack Obama’s pitch-perfect speech on race. Slavery was indeed America’s “original sin.” Of course, “the brutal legacy of slavery and Jim Crow” lives on in forms of African-American humiliation and anger that smolder in ways incommunicable to whites.
Segregation placed American blacks in the U.S. equivalent of that filthy African harbor.
It takes bravery, and perhaps an unusual black-white vantage point, to navigate these places where hurt is profound, incomprehension the rule, just as it takes courage to say, as Obama did, that black “anger is real; it is powerful; and to simply wish it away, to condemn it without understanding its roots, only serves to widen the chasm of misunderstanding that exists between the races.”
Progress, since the Civil Rights Movement, or since apartheid, has assuaged the wounds of race but not closed them. To carry my part of shame is also to carry a clue to the vortexes of rancor for which Obama has uncovered words.
I understand the rage of his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, however abhorrent its expression at times. I admire Obama for saying: “I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community.”
Honesty feels heady right now. For seven years, we have lived with the arid, us-against-them formulas of Bush’s menial mind, with the result that the nuanced exploration of America’s hardest subject is almost giddying. Can it be that a human being, like Wright, or like Obama’s grandmother, is actually inhabited by ambiguities? Can an inquiring mind actually explore the half-shades of truth?
Yes. It. Can.
The unimaginable South African transition that Nelson Mandela made possible is a reminder that leadership matters. Words matter. The clamoring now in the United States for a presidency that uplifts rather than demeans is a reflection of the intellectual desert of the Bush years.
Hillary Clinton said in January that: “You campaign in poetry, but you govern in prose.” Wrong. America’s had its fill of the prosaic.
The unthinkable can come to pass. When I was a teenager, my relatives advised me to enjoy the swimming pools of Johannesburg because “next year they will be red with blood.”
But the inevitable bloodbath never came. Mandela walked out of prison and sought reconciliation, not revenge. Later Mandela would say: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
Like countless others, I came to America because possibility is broader here than in Europe’s narrower confines. Perhaps it’s my African “original sin,” but when Obama says he “will never forget that in no other country on earth is my story even possible,” I feel fear slipping away, like a shadow receding before the still riveting idea that “out of many we are truly one.”
martes, 18 de marzo de 2008
Layers, por Carol Jakob
Layers from Jakob on Vimeo.
Ultmamente se está convirtiendo en un placer revisar mi correo para ver que me recomiendan en Vimeo. Se que no hay mucho tiempo en un día, pero cambio encantado 15 minutos de televisión por 15 minutos de videocreación.
sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008
Love Letter Typewriter, por Karen Abad
Love Letter Typewriter. from Karen Abad loves Dinosaurs. on Vimeo.
La mirada de Karen Abad es intima y bonita. De esas miradas que se detienen a ver, sin prisa. En esos días en los que no hay nada que hacer y podemos detener el tiempo y ver lo que nos rodea. Como ella dice en su canal... nuestros ojos son preciosos!
"With Love, from Cecil", por Karen Abad
Dear Bluebot,
I will wait for you.
With Love, From Cecil from Karen Abad loves Dinosaurs. on Vimeo.
Aparentemente los robots hacen cartas de amor en forma de videos... dice Karen Abad.
Where is my dog?, por Seth Welton.
Siento repetirme, pero es que realmente gusta!
Children of the Universe, por Seth Welton.
Children of the Universe from seth welton on Vimeo.
Realmente arrebatador el trabajo de animación mediante Stop Motion de Seth Welton. Trabaja con figuras de papel en lugar de las mucho mas comunes figuras de plastilina. En este video concreto (mi favorito)la animaciones adquiere un caracter bidimensional, lleno de colores saturados y planos, a medio camino entre el collage, las cuatricromias y el moderno superflat. Gusta!
viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008
Matthew Carrozo videos.
302a from Matthew Carrozo on Vimeo.
Study of a Stanley from Matthew Carrozo on Vimeo.
Me gusta mucho el trabajo de Matthew Carrozo!
Podeis encontrarlo en Vimeo y en youtube.
miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008
Solar (with Lyrics) por Robert Hodgin. [Lovely Head. Goldfrapp]
Solar, with lyrics. from flight404 on Vimeo.
No he podido resistirme a publicar este video. Me encanta Goldfrapp y el trabajo de Robert Hodgin es magnifico. Mas alla de enfocarse en el diseño final, trabaja sobre los datos para que su procesado genere esa imagen final.
En latinoamérica llaman a los ordenadores computadoras, que esta más próximo al término inglés, y es más fiel a lo que ellas hacen por nosotros. Procesar, computar datos. Al principio eran datos matemáticos. Hoy su código binario, combinado con interfaces cada vez mas ergonómicas, lo acercan a todos los procesos de la actividad humana, incluido, por supuesto, el diseño y la creación. Hubo un tiempo en que diseñadores y arquitectos, lo utilizábamos para modelar y colorear imágenes que documentaran nuestras ideas. Sin embargo, cada vez más el ordenador se está convirtiendo en una parte del proceso de diseño en si mismo, mas allá de la creación de la documentación necesaria para su formalización. Un ejemplo es el trabajo de Robert Hodgin con Processing. Esto abre un debate interesante, para mi, sobre el diseño en general. Progresivamente se esta abandonando el procedimiento clásico en el que se conocían los resultados, que no eran sino una variación constante sobre los modelos ya conocidos, a los que se les sometía a cambios azarosos, pero muy limitados. Por un proceso en el que se otorga a "la creación" mayor libertad para desarrollarse a nuestras espaldas, aunque dentro de un sistema de leyes creado por nosotros. Si Frankenstein levantara la cabeza.
martes, 4 de marzo de 2008
¿Por qué escoger el menor de dos males? Podemos elegir al más cruel, al que sabemos que acabará con los problemas, las personas y las tierras españolas, dejando que reine el caos y la abominación.
Si estás con nosotros, VOTA CTHULHU

Asi es la vida...
Extracto de una conversación que me ha dejado meditabundo...
domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008
Basculas respetuosas con la primera ley de la Robotica de Asimov, por Alice Wang
Asimov’s First Law
“A robot may not harm a human being.”
The first law of robotics by Isaac Asimov.
Artificial intelligence is a topic widely used in the media, however, exactly how far are we from such technology? Are these fears towards robotic developments necessary or purely irrational? What is it about these currently fictional characters that scare us? Are there existing domestic objects that already break this law?
Scales, although they don’t perform physical harm, have been subtly damaging us psychologically. Should objects like these exist in a complex society like ours where people are more emotionally fragile?
This scale allows one to lie to him/herself. The further back you stand, the lighter you become. The user can gradually move closer and closer to reality.
This scale puts your partner responsible for deciding whether to lie or hit you with the truth.
This scale reveals your weight every time you weigh yourself by sending a text message to the desired mobile phone. The receiver is then responsible to reveal the answer immediately or the next time you two meet.
Brazzaville. Camarillo.
...porque si hay un paraiso esta aquí, bajo estas piedras... y hay que patearlas bien para encontrarlo debajo de ellas... los sugerentes Brazzaville... y la tentadora Kahlo/Marta Castro unidos...
"...Brazzaville is dedicated to the naïve idea that the world is a beautiful place filled with wonder..." David Brown.
(Por el tiempo en el que Brown decidio formar Brazzaville, esta era la ciudad con la peor calidad de vida y la esperanza de vida mas breve del mundo)