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sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

Klein Bottle House, Rye, Mornington Peninsula. Australia. Por McBride-Charles-Ryan

"The Klein bottle is a descriptive model of a surface developed by topological mathematicians... ...The surfaces that mathematicians have developed hold intrigue for architects as they hold a promise of new spatial relationships and configurations. Technology (CAD) has played an important part in all this, it is now more possible to efficiently describe more complex shapes and spaces and communicate these to the build. Previously the more orthogonal means of communication – plans, sections and elevations naturally encourage buildings which are more easily described in these terms, i.e. boxes... This holiday house is situated on the Mornington Peninsula 1.5 hrs drive from Melbourne. It is located within the tee–tree on the sand dunes, a short distance from the wild 16th beach. From the outset MCR wanted a building that nestled within the tree line. That talked about journey and the playfulness of holiday time. What began as a spiral or shell like building developed into a more complex spiral, the Klein bottle. MCR were keen to be topologically true to the Klein bottle but it had to function as a home. We thought an origami version of the bottle would be achievable and hold some ironic fascination.... The house revolves around a central courtyard, a grand regal stair connecting all the levels. There is a sense of both being near and far to all occupants. Its endless, curling shell-like quality particularly in the tee tree brings about a comforting togetherness..."

Exterior: Metal sheet, Lysaght ‘Cladding Profile’ Night Sky / Fibre Cement Sheet/ ‘Pomegranate’
Tretford Carpet / Bamboo Veneer (BT Bamboo, Eco Flooring Systems P/L)/ White Signorino Tiles/
Glass Mosaic Tile/ Paint colours: Elephant, Antique White 50%, Pearl Ash, Red Clown, Spanish Olive, and Black

Via:, Mc Bride Charles Ryan

In mathematics, the Klein bottle is a certain non-orientable surface, i.e., a surface (a two-dimensional topological space) with no distinct "inner" and "outer" sides. Other related non-orientable objects include the Möbius strip and the real projective plane. Whereas a Möbius strip is a two dimensional object with one side and one edge, a Klein bottle is a three dimensional object with one side and no edges....The Klein bottle was first described in 1882 by the German mathematician Felix Klein...


"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" (AL I:40)
"Love is the law, love under will" (AL I:57)

"Haz todo lo que quieras, será toda la ley"(AL I:40)
"Amor es la ley, amor sometido a voluntad"(AL I:57)

Aleister Crowley (1875-1947).
"Liber AL vel Legis"/"The Book of the Law"

Europan 9. Trondheim. Residencia universitaria. Por Clara Murado, Juan Elvira, Enrique Krahe

Via: Ecosistema Urbano

viernes, 25 de abril de 2008

"Du temps viendra. Où nous ne saurons plus nommer ce qui nous unira. Le nom ne s´en effacera peu à peu de notre mémoire. Puis, il disparaîtra tout à fait"

“Vendrá un tiempo en que no sabremos que nombre dar a lo que nos una. Su nombre se irá borrando poco a poco de nuestra memoria. Y luego desaparecerá por completo”

Marguerite Durás. “Hiroshima Mon Amour”

(Hoy leía esta cita de mi adorada Durás en el cartel promocional de "El cielo dividido", la nueva película de Julián Hernández)

jueves, 24 de abril de 2008

Casa en Minami-Boso, Chiba. Japón. Por Kiyonobu Nakagame y Associates

Via: Noticias Arquitectura

80 windows

Hoy me acuerdo de esta canción y de algo que escribía hace mucho tiempo, re-citando unas palabras de Neruda...

"...Hoy otra vez, como siempre,
suena, resuena el mar lejano.
Dentro de mi, como nunca.
Hoy su sonido es el de tus pies,
arañando la arena que dejaste en mí.
Hoy nostalgia de días esbeltos..."

Lo escribía en una playa en Mojácar y aunque pareciera que me sentía triste, en realidad me sentía feliz como nunca. Para la mayor parte de la gente la nostalgia funciona hacia atrás sólamente; es un camino que nos lleva algún cruce del pasado. Yo a veces siento nostalgia del futuro. Me siento en esta encrucijada en la que estoy hoy, y miro hacia delante y hacia los lados, soy capaz de imaginar caminos que se cruzan, caminos que aun no hemos tomado y se que adentrarme en uno es renunciar a la belleza de otro. Es esa nostalgia. Y sentí algo parecido cuando me asome a estas 80 ventanas de Nada Surf..

Clusters of people talking secretly to each other.
In a bar you cannot talk openly to anyone you don't already know.
4 year olds, they have got the right idea: they jump the line and hit it on the nose.
When we sit and we get quiet, then we look and see who's home.
Across the way there are 80 windows we can see,
It's christmastime and they all have the same tree.
You tell me the patterns you already see,
I wonder if they see us in our bed.
You said you like the one with the father who always eats with his son.
I like the rows of lights because they keep me calm.
I feel far away from you. so what else is new?
The moon is closer to the sun than i am to anyone.

viernes, 18 de abril de 2008

"...las arrugas de la piel
son ese algo indescriptible
que procede del alma..."

Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986)

jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

"Cloud", escultura cinética por Troika. Aeropuerto de Heathrow. Londres.

Ver: Troika

Seul City Hall, por Mass Studies

...sólo me quedaría con la capacidad para generar una forma compleja a partir de un "pautado" horizontal...

Via: Dezeen y Mass Studies

"Listen people, wherever you are,
Please attend to this words:
Will your youth last forever?
Will your white hair turn black again?
Life speeds by like a dream,
Why not fill each minute with joy?"

(Traducción al inglés de un antiguo poema "Sijo")
Kim Ch'on-taek (1725-1766)

One Day Pavillion, por Jiyeon Song. ACD, Pasadena, California.

"...the results of an extensive exploration with shadows, the One Day Poem Pavilion demonstrates the poetic, transitory, site-sensitive and time-based nature of light and shadow.
Using a complex array of perforations, the pavilion’s surface allows light to pass through creating shifting patterns, which–during specific times of the year–transform into the legible text of a poem. The specific arrangements of the perforations reveal different shadow-poems according to the solar calendar: a theme of new-life during the summer solstice, a reflection on the passing of time at the period of the winter solstice. The time-based nature of the poem–and the visitor’s time-based encounters with it–allow viewers to have different experiences either seeing a stanza of the poem or getting the whole poem. All of these possible experiences are equally valuable and have meanings unique to the individual. This technique has the potential for producing particular effects and meanings within an architectural environment. Without the use of a source of power other than the sun, this project uses light and shadow to push the boundaries of communication and experiential delight..."

Imágenes y texto tomados de One Day Poem Pavillion Site y del portfolio de Jiyeon Song en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de Pasadena, California.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

...las distancias en Groenlandia se miden en sinik, en "sueños", en el número de pernoctas que dura un viaje. No puede decirse que realmente sea una distancia porque, según el tiempo y la estación del año, el número de sinik puede variar. Tampoco se trata de un concepto temporal...

Extraido de un artículo de la wikipedia.

martes, 8 de abril de 2008

"...escribir es intentar saber qué escribiríamos si escribiéramos..."

Marguerite Duras

Un hombre sólo flotando...

Un hombre (seguramente soy yo) es lanzado al espacio... vuela alejandose de la tierra... en algún momento... lejos de nuestro planeta... poco a poco... va perdiendo el contacto con la tierra... se queda solo flotando en su pequeña capsula, alejandose de la tierra, que es solo un pequeño y bonito punto azul... y se entretiene mirando las estrellas... que habrá cuando doble la esquina tras aquella lejana...

Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Ground Control to Major Tom
Commencing countdown, engines on
Check ignition and may God's love be with you
Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Liftoff
This is Ground Control to Major Tom
You've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare
"This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today
For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do
Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles
I'm feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell my wife I love her very much she knows"
Ground Control to Major Tom
Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you....
"Here am I floating round my tin can
Far above the Moon
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do."